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Our affordable mover has tips to help you master your first apartment move

Congratulations on your first apartment move! Our affordable mover knows that transitioning into your own space is an exciting opportunity to create a place that’s truly your own. However, moving into an apartment for the first time comes with its fair share of responsibility. It’s true that you’ll have a landlord to help with repairs and maintenance, but you’ll still need to be more independent than you’ve likely ever been.

It can seem overwhelming at first, but Jersey Shore Moving & Storage has tips and suggestions to help make your first move a complete success. 

Tips for your first apartment move from our affordable mover

Moving into your own space for the first time comes with fun and practical considerations. Not only will you need to think about how you want to decorate your apartment, you’ll also need to undertake less glamorous tasks like replacing smoke detector batteries. The following is a list of suggestions to help you settle in:

  • Ask before painting – Some landlords will allow you to paint your walls or add removable wallpaper, but make sure you ask first. Otherwise, you can kiss your security deposit goodbye.
  • Know where to get your mail – Each property is different. You could be getting your mail at a communal mailbox center or you might receive it through a slot in your door. Be sure to ask your landlord about this and how the building handles package deliveries.
  • Set up utilities – Before you move into your first apartment, our affordable mover recommends calling all utility providers to make sure important services like gas, electric and water are set up by the time you move in. 
  • Buy the essentials – You want to make sure your home is stocked with the essentials, so make a shopping trip to pick up everything you’ll need for your apartment. This includes a vacuum, a mop, cleaning supplies, a plunger, extra sheets and towels, and a toolbox.

Also, don’t forget to let everyone know that you’ve moved. Update your bank and credit card providers. Set up mail forwarding. And, most importantly, let your friends and family know.

Don’t forget about the fun parts of moving to a new apartment

Your first apartment move isn’t all hard work. There are also some fun tasks to complete, including meeting your neighbors and exploring your new neighborhood.

  • Introduce yourself – When you first move, take a moment to introduce yourself to the people around you. It’s a great way to build a sense of community and make new friends. Plus, your neighbors will appreciate the introduction.
  • Check out the neighborhood – Once you settle in, take a walk or a drive to get to know what’s around your new home. You might be surprised to find a beautiful park or a hidden gem of a restaurant.

As you prepare to move into your new apartment, know that you can turn to Jersey Shore Moving for a variety of moving and storage services. Let our affordable mover help you with this exciting step.